Individual Therapy
Few things help ease the mind more than the feeling of being understood.
Sometimes you need to talk to somebody.
As a general rule, people of all ages and of all kinds do better when they are in trusting, supportive relationships.
Some of the many reasons why clients come see me
Depression & Anxiety
The color palette of emotional disorders comes in many shades. For some, it’s a darkness that makes it hard to get out of bed. For others, it’s the drudgery of a colorless existence. And for some it’s the glaring intensity of anxiety or panic. It has a way of coloring how you see your life and making you forget it can be another way.
Relationship Troubles
In literature, relationships are the center of both tragedy and comedy. Some of us can’t get into them. Some of us can’t get out of them. Some of us don’t know what to do with them, and some of us are afraid to even try. All this wouldn’t matter so much except that few of us can sustain a life without connection.
Life Transitions
Life doesn’t move in a straight line. Maybe it was a broken heart, or getting laid off, or just life interrupted. Finding (and losing) meaning through life’s various twists and turns is inevitable. What we make of those moments, though, is a matter of choice. You are not just one thing and the story of your life can’t be told in just one refrain.